Play Therapy at Aspen Therapy

Play therapy provides a safe caring environment that allows the child to play with as few limits as possible, but as many as necessary (for physical and emotional safety). Play therapy allows healing to occur on many levels following our natural trend towards health. Creativity and play operate on impulses from the unconscious.

The child is given time to play out what may be bothering them. The child is given strategies to cope with difficulties they face in life and which they themselves cannot change. It provides a more positive view of their future life. The therapist reflects back to the child observations of what has happened during the session if this is felt to be appropriate.

Typically used for children ages 3-14. Sessions usually last 30 to 45 minutes.

Play Therapy Helps For These Issues

• Child is not realizing their full potential - academically, or socially
• Has nightmares or has disturbed sleep
• Is at risk of being/is excluded from school
• Has suffered trauma
• Has suffered emotional, physical or sexual abuse
• Is (or in the process of being) adopted or fostered
• Suffers because of separated/divorced parents
• Suffers from anxiety, stress or phobias
• Has suffered a loss or bereavement of any kind
• Is withdrawn or continually unhappy
• Is ill, disabled or autistic
• Finds it difficult to make friends
• Quarrels frequently with peers or siblings
• Bullies others or is bullied themselves
• Displays inappropriate behaviour
• Doesn’t play
• Shows real aggression toward people, animals or objects
• Insists stubbornly that the imaginary make-believe characters and events are real

Some studies indicate that 20% of children have some form of psychological problem and that 70% of these are helped through the use of psychological based therapies such as play and creative arts. Click here for more information.